
BRCS hosts disaster risk management symposium

28 March, Gaborone: “In an endeavor to contribute and seek solutions to growing natural disasters, the Botswana Red Cross Society saw it fit to partner with the Netherlands Red Cross Society and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent to host the Disaster Risk Management symposium.”

This was said by Botswana Red Cross Society Secretary General Mr Kutlwano Mukokomani at the Disaster Risk Management symposium that was hosted by the Society recently.

When reiterating on the objectives of the symposium under the theme, “Promoting Innovation, Integration, Collaboration in Local, National and Regional Disaster Risk Management” Mr Mukokomani said the symposium seek to explore innovative approaches, harness cutting-edge technologies and develop and implement advanced methodologies and approaches to address evolving challenges in disaster risk management.

“We hope that the knowledge gained from the symposium might also help in guiding future policy reforms by emphasizing the importance of mainstreaming disaster risk reduction considerations into development planning, policy-making, and decision-making processes across sectors.” He said.

Furthermore, he expressed gratitude to the Netherlands Red Cross Society for their invaluable support and partnership.

He said the Netherlands Red Cross Society has a long-standing relationship with the Botswana Red Cross Society in strengthening disaster risk management and fostering innovative solutions, which is a crucial of international cooperation in tackling global challenges.

He also extended sincere gratitude to the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) for being instrumental in ensuring the success of the symposium by providing technical expertise and playing a coordination role in facilitating collaboration among various stakeholders.

“I also thank the NDMO for their continuous partnership, support, collegiality and guidance in all issues pertaining to disaster management in Botswana.” He said.

When giving a keynote address Acting Permanent Secretary in the Ministry for State President Mr Moagi Baleseng said the government recognizes climate change and global warming effects on the occurrence of natural disasters and is committed to disaster risk reduction and building resilience at national and regional levels.

Recalling His Excellency the President Dr Mokgweetsi Masisi championing of the Reset and Reclaim Agenda call, Mr Baleseng said this gives an opportunity to introspect and reflect on strategies to better the lives of Batswana, further adding that with very ambitious programmes like Temo Letlotlo which is geared towards improving quality of life, disasters, if left unchecked can disrupt the production cycles and livelihoods.

“Climate change is amplifying the occurrence of natural disasters including floods, wildfire and drought. These events are becoming more frequent and severe, posing greater risks to human populations and ecosystems. Rising global temperatures also contribute to environmental degradation. These environmental changes lead to habitat loss, threatening vulnerable species and ecosystems.” He said.

Mr Baleseng said it was essential to reflect on the expected outcomes of the symposium namely, enhanced capacity, strengthened partnerships, innovative solutions, and policy recommendations.

In closing the symposium, the BRCS President Mr Odirile Itumeleng highlighted that throughout the symposium, critical topics such as Nature Based Solutions in Climate Change, the significance of community engagement in disaster risk reduction, and the importance of domesticating UN Frameworks such as the Sendai Framework For Disaster Risk Reduction were delved into.

Mr Itumeleng further said the symposium had underscored the pivotal role of legislation in facilitating efficient disaster response and fostering collaboration across sectors.

“By harnessing the power of policy frameworks and legal mechanisms, we can enhance our collective ability to mitigate risks and protect our communities from the impact of disasters.” He said.

He urged participants to carry forward the insights and lessons learned from this symposium with renewed determination and commitment to building resilient communities and safeguarding the well-being of our people adding that challenges ahead can be overcome together and a safer and more sustainable future for all can be created.ENDS

“Routine immunization important” – Dr Dikoloti

Motokwe, 10th April: Minister of Health Dr Edwin Dikoloti says State of the World Children’s report of 2023, has revealed that globally, a total of 67 million children missed out on vaccinations between 2019 and 2021.

When officiating at a ceremony aimed at appreciating integrated community-based health services project in Motokwe recently, Dr Dikoloti said this indicates that children born just before or during the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic who would normally have been vaccinated, may actually have missed crucial lifesaving vaccinations.

“This therefore, calls for urgent action to catch-up for those who missed immunizations during that dark period.” He added.

Dr Dikoloti further said the Ministry of Health, through the support of UNICEF and Botswana Red Cross Society, has been able to mobilize and implement child health services for hard-to-reach communities in some parts of the country, including the Kweneng District. He said these efforts were achieved through house-to-house visits, community engagements, mobile stops, mobile outreach and community dialogue.

Dr Dikoloti further reiterated that through these mobilization activities, community health workers managed to identify children with missed routine vaccination and as a result, MoH has been able to gather information that will inform decision making and strengthen the primary health system.

He said the Government of Botswana prioritizes health not just as a key service, but also as a human right and further implored parents to take responsibility in caring for their children.

When deliberating on the objectives of the project, Secretary General who is also Chief Executive Officer of Botswana Red Cross Society Mr Kutlwano Mukokomani said the objective of the project and its intervention was to ensure that communities are sensitized on child health issues and COVID-19.

He noted that the project also aimed at ensuring that vaccines are deployed, and other child health services are rendered at the grassroots level.

“Through this project we have provided 58 human resource support that includes 40 mobilisers, 8 data clerks, 8 vaccinators and 2 supervisors who are placed in 17 villages across the 2 districts. In addition, We have supported the delivery of services through the deployment of vehicles. These vehicles also supported the distribution of vaccines and other commodities to hard-to-reach areas.” Said Mr Mukokomani.

According to Mr Mukokomani, since the project's inception 259 339 people have been reached with health messages through various forums using different customized formats, adding that “These are people who listened when volunteers went from house to house sharing messages that vaccines work, and indeed the high number is a testament that tailor-made community messaging works.”

“To date, the project has administered 10,532 doses of vaccinations to children under 5 years. About 60% of those referred were linked and offered services. The campaign managed to administer 1276 doses of vitamin A, and 934 deworming doses to children.” He said.

Furthermore, Mr Mukokomani said in line with the reset agenda, and His Excellency the President Dr President Dr Keabetswe Masisi's call for a mindset change, the Botswana Red Cross Society has adopted the use of technology in health promotion.

“We are engaging with communities through the use of social media, chatbot and mass messaging amongst others. Despite the efficiencies of digitalization and technology, there are also challenges of misinformation and harmful rumors adding a layer of complexity to community engagement.” Said Mr Mukokomani.

He also said the digitalization of health information management is an area of improvement where there is a need to transition from paper-based systems to digital tools to facilitate real-time data collection for effective and efficient decision-making.

He concluded that in an era where multiple concurrent public health emergencies are a norm, integration is a befitting cost-effective measure of service delivery and that coordinated action amongst all public health actors is needed to ensure that efforts are not duplicated, and scarce and precious resources are not wasted.

For her part, Deputy Chief of Mission at the U.S Embassy in Botswana Ms Amanda Jacobsen said she was thrilled to acknowledge the strong partnership between the two countries, not only to strengthen Botswana’s health and well-being, but also to support the sustainable management of natural resources; provide access to credit for small and medium sized businesses and entrepreneurs; increase regional trade and participation in the African growth and Opportunity Act; enhance agricultural production; support the country’s goals to transition to clean energy; and create jobs for young people.

UNICEF Representative Ms Joan Matji highlighted that this joint project made sure that routine immunization is strengthened.

She further said the UNICEF has partnered with Botswana Red Cross Society in similar initiatives, and that the UNICEF is particularly grateful for the community liaison that the Botswana Red Cross Society brings.

Ms Matji acknowledged caregivers and community members who continue to host the community health workers in their homes to for the benefit of children.ENDS

Empowering Communities: A Journey to building Resilience

Empowering Communities: A Journey to building Resilience

Mr Rushmin Ndijeko narrating the story of how he got vaccinated by through the SLL Project to Ms. Kamogelo Maribe from Botswana Red Cross Society. Mr Rushmin Ndijeko narrating the story of how he got vaccinated by through the SLL Project to Ms. Kamogelo Maribe from Botswana Red Cross Society. A transformative story unfolded in the remote village of Makunda in Charleshill District. It is a story that exemplifies the Africa CDC and Mastercard Foundation's remarkable partnership with the Ministry of Health and impact through the Saving Lives and Livelihoods (SLL) initiative that is collaborating with the Botswana Red Cross Society and ACHAP for a door-to-door COVID -19 Vaccination.  This initiative enables vaccines to directly reach communities, ensuring accessibility and breaking barriers.

FNBB Foundation Extends a Noble Gesture To BRCS

FNBB Foundation Extends a Noble Gesture To BRCS

In a generous act of Corporate Social Responsibility, First National Bank Botswana (FNBB) generously donated stationery, toiletries, toy, and clothing to the Botswana Red Cross Society (BRCS).  The handing over ceremony was attended by Ms. Jennifer Makgabenyana, the FNBB Commercial Director and Mr. Kutlwano Mukokomani, the Secretary General BRCS.

A Call for Stregnthening Community Engagement in Disaster Risk Management

A Call for Stregnthening Community Engagement in Disaster Risk Management

Botswana Red Cross Society in partnership with Netherlands Red Cross Society recently held a two-days seminar themed “Putting Communities at the centre of Disaster Risk Management - Community Disaster Management in Botswana,” in Francistown, Tati River Lodge.

January Newsletter

January Newsletter

It is 2024 already, how time flies... 2024 started at a relatively fast pace and brought positive strides for the National Society. The national Society embarked on multiple trainings.

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Botswana Hosts Southern African Partnership Of Red Cross Societies Conference

Botswana Hosts Southern African Partnership Of Red Cross Societies Conference

On behalf of the International Federation of the Red Cross (IFRC), Southern African Partnership of Red Cross Societies (SAPRCS) and Botswana Red Cross Society, Botswana Red Cross Society will host a conference today in Gaborone (Grand Palm Hotel)

July Newsletter

July Newsletter

It is mid 2023 already, how time flies... 2023 started at a relatively fast pace and brought positive strides for the National Society. The national Society embarked on multiple trainings including communication and project management. The two training courses were to help bring us up to speed with better efficient strategies when implementing, coordinating, and managing our programmes and projects. We believe these training courses will help build and improve our etiquette in running an effective and agile organization. The training was followed by an all-staff meeting where all departments pitched plans and ideas, and finally, the management and staff mapped and signed the way forward for the year. 

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Youth Entrepreneurship Training

Youth Entrepreneurship Training

After gathering for the training in Gaborone appreciating a selective few who happen to be volunteers of the Botswana Red Cross, the training came to an end. The event was graced by the Minister of Youth, Gender, Sport and Culture Honorable Tumiso Rakgare.

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